参考 Angular 团队的 commit 规范。
<type>(<scope>): <subject> // 空一行 <body> // 空一行 <footer>
分别对应 Commit message 的三个部分: Header , Body 和 Footer 。
Header 部分只有一行,包括三个字段: type
(必需)、 scope
(可选)和 subject
对本次 commit 修改内容的具体描述, 可以分为多行。如下所示:
# body: 72-character wrapped. This should answer: # * Why was this change necessary? # * How does it address the problem? # * Are there any side effects? # initial commit
一些备注, 通常是 BREAKING CHANGE (当前代码与上一个版本不兼容) 或修复的 bug(关闭 Issue) 的链接。
# 这个命令只能设置当前分支的提交模板 git config commit.template [模板文件名] # 这个命令能设置全局的提交模板,注意global前面是两杠 git config --global commit.template [模板文件名]
新建 .gitmessage.txt
(模板文件) 内容可以如下:
# headr: <type>(<scope>): <subject>
# - type: feat, fix, docs, style, refactor, test, chore
# - scope: can be empty
# - subject: start with verb (such as 'change'), 50-character line
# body: 72-character wrapped. This should answer:
# * Why was this change necessary?
# * How does it address the problem?
# * Are there any side effects?
# footer:
# - Include a link to the issue.
# good Use InventoryBackendPool to retrieve inventory backend // 用 InventoryBackendPool 获取库存 # bad Used InventoryBackendPool to retrieve inventory backend // InventoryBackendPool 被用于获取库存
commit 信息描述的是引用的变更部分实际上做了什么,它的效果,而不是因此被做了什么。
# Good Add `use` method to Credit model # Bad add `use` method to Credit model
# Good Add `use` method to Credit model // 为 Credit 模块添加 `use` 方法 # Bad Add `use` method // 添加 `use` 方法 --- # Good Increase left padding between textbox and layout frame // 在 textbox 和 layout frame 之间添加向左对齐 # Bad Adjust css // 就改了下 css
它在许多场景中(例如多次 commit、多个更改和重构)非常有用,可以帮助审查人员理解提交者的想法。
# Good Fix method name of InventoryBackend child classes Classes derived from InventoryBackend were not respecting the base class interface. It worked because the cart was calling the backend implementation incorrectly. # Good Serialize and deserialize credits to json in Cart Convert the Credit instances to dict for two main reasons: - Pickle relies on file path for classes and we do not want to break up everything if a refactor is needed - Dict and built-in types are pickleable by default # Good Add `use` method to Credit Change from namedtuple to class because we need to setup a new attribute (in_use_amount) with a new value
# Bad Fix this Fix stuff It should work now Change stuff Adjust css
Pro Git Book建议:
对于项目所有者而言:选择一种语言并使用该语言编写所有的 commit 信息。理想情况下,它应与代码注释、默认翻译区域(用于本地化项目)等相匹配。
对于贡献者而言:使用与现有 commit 历史相同的语言编写 commit 信息。
# Good ababab Add `use` method to Credit model efefef Use InventoryBackendPool to retrieve inventory backend bebebe Fix method name of InventoryBackend child classes # Good (Portuguese example) ababab Adiciona o método `use` ao model Credit efefef Usa o InventoryBackendPool para recuperar o backend de estoque bebebe Corrige nome de método na classe InventoryBackend # Bad (mixes English and Portuguese) ababab Usa o InventoryBackendPool para recuperar o backend de estoque efefef Add `use` method to Credit model cdcdcd Agora vai